All new products are offered with at least a 12 months parts and labour guarantee. Some products are offered with a 2 years or more parts only warranty, but may be subject to service/maintenance having taken place. Pre-owned and 2nd user products have 12 months or less, please check with the individual product.
Products or Items installed and/or delivered by Capitol Mobility’s staff and vehicles are covered by an ‘on site’ guarantee which means we or our appointed agent will go to where the item was delivered or installed to carry out guarantee works and/or bring the product back to workshops for repair and return without charge. For any other item or product the customer is responsible for the return and/or pick-up of it (including any costs involved) to and from workshops where guarantee works will be effected without charge. Please see terms and conditions of sale printed on the reverse of our headed paper for any other particulars.
Items of a consumable nature will not normally be covered during the guarantee period unless such items have suffered undue wear as a result of an original manufacturing defect. Such items include:- upholstery – seat belts – batteries – footplate and footwell coverings, this list is not exhaustive. Also punctures and accident damage howsoever caused are not covered by a guarantee. Fair wear and tear applies to all guarantees offered.
A guarantee is offered subject to:-
- Full payment having been made under the terms of contract.
- The goods or part having been properly kept, maintained and not being obsolete.
- The goods or part not having been damaged by neglect, accident or improper use and/or not having been altered or repairs attempted by any other person or agency.
Please note 2nd user parts may be used in guarantee repairs or replacements to pre-owned or second hand products.
Batteries are only guaranteed for cell failure, not wear and tear or faults caused by faulty chargers or mis-use/mis-handling by customers or others.