2nd User Scooters 4, 6, 8 mph from £400

Class 2 Scooters: can only be used on the pavement and have a maximum speed of 4 mph/6.4 km/h. Class 3 Scooters: have a maximum speed of 6 mph/10.05 km/h and 8 mph/12.9 km/h and can be used on the pavement and road. The Scooter must be registered with the DVLA and require road tax. We stock a range of Scooters which are 2nd User Small Portable Boot Scooters 4 mph, Mid-Range Scooters 4 mph and larger road Scooters 6 and 8 mph. Most models can be dismantled, lifted by hoist or will go up a ramp into a vehicle, or even transportable by plane ideal for travelling or holidays! All our used equipment is serviced and tested by our experienced engineers so that they are in perfect working condition when they’re sent out and all usually come with at least 6 months guarantee. Having a Scooter means having independence, the choice to go out when you wish making a whole difference to your life! Free Assessments in showroom or at your home with no pressure and no obligation.

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Birmingham Showroom
Bilston Showroom

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